Learn more about how NASED came to be and its current status.
The following documents include detailed background information developed during the formative stages of the project. All documentation is provided on the following basis:
In accessing any of the linked documents, the Reader acknowledges and agrees that it will not rely upon any statements, analysis or representations by the state or its representatives. The Reader acknowledges that in accessing this information and data there is no inferred, implied or actual form of reliance or contract made with the state.
Relevant procurement documents and agreement(s) to be made available upon completion of the procurement process.
Published: 02/15/2019
At the request of the State of Hawai‘i DAGS, the Aloha Stadium: Planning for a New Stadium & Site Redevelopment Team (henceforth the Development Design Team) has undertaken a study analyzing the relative merits and drawbacks of the current Hālawa site against a range alternative site options.
Published: 12/12/2018
This 2018 assessment is the second of an anticipated series of interim assessments; the first interim assessment was performed in early 2016, with findings presented in the report “Aloha Stadium – Structural and Safety Evaluations: Weathering Steel Corrosion Assessment,” Final Report, October 26, 2016.
Published: 12/01/2018
Stadium Authority’s Stadium Special Fund Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2017 – 2018
Published: 2/23/2017
Published: 10/02/2014
The Summary provides factual data regarding redevelopment and/or the feasibility of building a new stadium, as well as opinions and feedback from the facility’s major stakeholders.
Published: April 2023