Honolulu Star-Advertiser
Editorial | Letters
December 19, 2019
Updated 6:20 pm
Affordable housing should be built on the Aloha Stadium site, as a recent Star-Advertiser editorial recommended, because of its many advantages (“Stadium redo must have local housing,” Our View, Dec. 12).
First, it could significantly reduce the large shortage of affordable housing on Oahu.
Second, it’s state land, so the cost of land would be zero, making it financially feasible to develop affordable housing. Third, it’s near a rail station, reducing the need for personal vehicles.
Oahu faces a shortage of about 26,000 housing units, based on Oahu’s population and the number of existing housing units.
High-density development at the Aloha Stadium site could accommodate at least 2,000 housing units.
Stores, restaurants, movie theaters, health clinics, parks and other urban amenities could be located in the same area so that residents would be no farther than a 5-minute walk. That kind of urban design supports a lifestyle of convenience, which more and more people prefer.
John Kawamoto