The NASED team hosted a market sounding webinar on June 14, 2023.

The intent of the market sounding webinar was to present the proposed new approach for the project and answer initial questions from the audience.

Following the webinar, the state published a Request for Information (RFI) on the NASED website which sought feedback from prospective offerors. Sixteen written RFI responses were received, providing robust market feedback. The state then conducted a series of one-on-one meetings with RFI respondents and other parties to gain additional industry insights regarding the project.

The Market Sounding Report and associated addendum (refer below) highlight the issues raised by prospective offerors in the Market Sounding process regarding the new approach, as well as the state’s approach to resolve these and deliver a successful, on-time project.

A copy of the Market Sounding Report can be found here.

To view a copy of the Market Sounding Report, click HERE.

To view a downloadable pdf version of the market sounding webinar presentation, click HERE.

To view a video recording of the market sounding webinar, click HERE.

To view a downloadable pdf version of the Request For Information (RFI-1) document, click HERE.