Hawaii News Now
By HNN Staff
May 6, 2021
Updated at 11:43 a.m..
HONOLULU, Hawaii (HawaiiNewsNow) – The Stadium Authority has voted to move up the planned demolition of Aloha Stadium, projecting the landmark will now come down in late 2022.
Authority members said the earlier demolition will allow plans for a replacement stadium and a surrounding entertainment district to move along more quickly.
The 50,000-seat, 46-year-old Aloha Stadium was previously expected to be demolished in 2023.
In a news release, the Stadium Authority said the construction of a new stadium will be less costly without the existing stadium there. Additionally, funds that were to be used for structural monitoring of the old stadium will instead be diverted to efforts to build a new venue.
The stadium said events will continued to be offered in stadium parking lot areas throughout all construction phases, including the Stadium Swap Meet & Marketplace.
“We are excited about the future of the New Aloha Stadium Entertainment District and what we will be able to provide to the people of the State of Hawaii,” said Board Chairman Ross Yamasaki.
“While our focus will be on development of the property, we look forward to continuing to offer events and programs on the surrounding portions of the site,”
This story will be updated.
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