HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) – Aloha Stadium needs $30 million over the next two years to address “high priority” maintenance needs, including severe corrosion in a number of areas, according to the Stadium Authority.
The funding estimate is based on a new structural and safety evaluation report for the facility, which was conducted back in August.
The report said while the venue is safe, it is deteriorating at an increasing rate and that proactive maintenance and repair work are needed.
“Approximately 200 weathering steel members and approximately 85 panels of lightweight decking are presently observed to exhibit severe corrosion,” the report said.
Over the next two years, some of the priority issues the stadium has identified for repairs include corroded braces on the end zone concrete barriers and the seating plates in certain sections.
“If we do not keep the corrosion in check, it will continue to grow exponentially,” said Chris Kinimaka, Planning Branch Chief for the Department of Accounting and General Services.
Stadium officials say because of a lack of state funding, important repairs have been put on hold and they’ve identified new areas of corrosion that weren’t there two years ago.